I would have loved to at any other time. . . When balanced we feel part of things, generous and loving. . Even a few goldfish in a bowl are fascinating to watch and reconnect you to the subtle and gloriously beautiful world of nature . As with clay, there is something very sensually satisfying in working with dough, slapping it onto a hard surface and kneading it To rebalance your third chakra, practice saying no Your sense of security is found in the first chakra . We say, for example, “He galls me!” of someone who invades our boundaries and overrides our authority. These are not another round of .should do.s. What I share with my clients is that most of our problems can be traced to one of our seven psychic energy centers, known to the metaphysically minded as “chakras”, from their Hindi term which means spinning wheel, which from an energetic perspective is what a chakra looks like. “She has a heart of gold” of someone who opens our heart and touches us in a meaningful way. . Nothing activates the throat chakra like an open heart, and nothing opens the heart faster than singing As An Intuitive We feel physically peaceful and serene. I’m [...] . In the morning, consciously bless yourself, thanking God for giving you one more day to enjoy the world around you
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